Due to the construction methodology, the demolition of post-tensioned structures requires specialised engineering support.
Our team has extensive experience supporting demolition contractors from tender to completion on the demolition of prestressed and post-tensioned structures.
Due to the construction methodology, several hazards need to be investigated and mitigated in the demolition methodology.
- Accidental damage to tendons
- Damaging anchorages
- Staged construction
- Stress reversal
- Non-grouted tendons
- Condition of the structure
- Loss of shear capacity
Read our full blog on the Hazards of Post-Tensioned Demolition
Our understanding of prestressed and post-tensioned structures allows us to provide engineering support to demolition contractors from the tender stage through to successful demolition.
We provide engineering expertise to assess the structure, identify challenges and design the demolition methodology.
Structural Analysis & Loading Calculations
Analysing structural drawings and advising contractors to commission third-party post-tensioned special investigations where required.
Mitigating Site Constraints
As post-tensioned projects are often in urban areas we have experience overcoming site constraints such as a small project footprint.
Temporary Works
We can design the associated temporary works with the demolition methodology.
We have a wealth of real-world experience demolishing post-tensioned structures.
Regent Street – Demolition engineering case for removal of a flyover at Regent Street in central Leeds with prestressed and post-tensioned structural elements
Churchill Way Flyover – Demolition engineering and associated temporary works design of two flyovers in central Liverpool.

Prestressed and Post-Tensioned Demolition Webinar
This prestressed and post-tensioned demolition webinar covers the demolition engineering considerations of prestressed and post-tensioned concrete structures.
- What are prestressed and post-tensioned structures
- Why structures are prestressed or post-tensioned
- Hazards and mitigation
Advanced analysis, planning, and monitoring are key to the demolition of prestressed structures.
Case Studies
- Regent Street Flyover, Leeds
- Old Slade Lane
- Hunterscombe
- Glenferness Footbridge
- Importance of fully understanding existing pre and post-tensioning systems
- Need to conduct structural evaluations for changing load conditions
- Ensuring checker competence with post-tensioning