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The integration of different conceptual design and analysis software allows engineers to create designs using multiple pieces of software using the same sequenced workflow.

Andun integrate the different design and analysis software packages to design, model and analyse the proposed schemes seamlessly.

Façade Retention Scheme Design Using Seamless Software Integrations

When designing facade retention schemes Andun design both the members and connections.

The integrations of different design programs being used enable quick analysis of connections to the relevant Eurocode or British Standard.

The design models created in our software are also able to be sent directly to the scheme fabricators who can use the designs to fabricate the proposed design solution. We have a number of contractors who take advantage of this functionality to reduce lead times due to limiting re-work.

An example of a complex connection on one of our façade retention schemes is shown below.

Facade Retention Design Model Temporary Works

Facade Retention Temporary Works Design

This approach enables the same model data to be used for both analysis and production of scheme drawings, limiting potential errors and re-work.

This detail is between a ‘tower pod’ and a trussed frame that runs between two of the towers. The connections appear complicated but have been detailed to enable simple installation on site.

The tower pods consist of fully fabricated frames that bolt together, and the trussed frame will have simple bolted connections at the node points.

Andun Façade Retention Scheme Design Support

Our involvement often starts as early as the tender process supporting the contractor by providing initial concepts and acting as a point of contact for technical questions prior to award.

On award the concepts are developed; we provide the full design package, including connection design and fabrication drawings.

We believe that it is important that the we should design both the member and the connections to ensure constructability.

Where required Andun attend site visits and provide design support throughout the scheme.