Statement On Passing Of Angus Holdsworth
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our Managing Director, Angus Holdsworth. Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time. Out of respect for Angus and his loved ones, we will not be providing further details regarding his passing. Andun Engineering Consultants will continue...

Pre-Weakening for Demolition
Pre-weakening is the process of weakening an element of a structure in preparation for demolition by a pull-down or blowdown. The weakening process can involve removing elements or making cuts to weaken specific elements. Pulling down a structure is as it sounds. It is the application of a mechanical force...

Temporary Works Resources To Raise Awareness Within The Construction Industry
An important element of our work as temporary works designers and demolition engineers is raising awareness of the role of temporary works within the construction industry and associated best practice. As part of our commitment to this, we have developed and made available a vast array of temporary works and...

Decommissioning & Demolition of Offshore Platforms
The requirement for offshore platform decommissioning and demolition is rising as many ageing platforms in the North Sea approach the end of their operational life. This is highlighted by the fact that 180, of the 283 currently active oil and gas fields, are due to have ceased production by 2030,...

Types Temporary Works Used For Demolition Projects
Temporary works are an essential element of demolition projects to ensure safety and structural stability. Different types of temporary works may be required during demolition projects depending on the kind of structure and methodology utilised. Types of temporary works in demolition projects: Propping Systems Facade Retention Surface protection Debris netting...

Temporary Works Design Contractors vs In-House Teams
When it comes to temporary works design, contractors typically have a choice between building and developing an in-house design team or contracting an external temporary works design consultancy. There are costs and benefits to each approach: Building an in-house team gives contractors more control and the ability to develop internal...

Key Types of Facade Retention Schemes: An Overview
There are three main types of facade retention systems used when demolishing the entire internal structure of a building: Towers Frames Reuse of existing structural load paths The type of facade retention utilised for a project depends on the type of structure and the associated engineering considerations. Typically, the design...

Working Platform Types and Use Cases
Working platforms are temporary ground-based structures designed to provide a stable and secure foundation for the operation of piling rigs and cranes. The selection of the right type of working platform for a project will depend on the operational and geotechnical aspects of the project. Each type of working platform...

AEC Speak At IStructE Midland Counties Event
Last month two members of Andun Engineering Consultants spoke at the Institution of Structural Engineers Midland Counties. This forms part of our ongoing commitment to help raise awareness of the importance of temporary works and the engineering considerations that need to be considered within the industry. The talk was given...

Key Design Considerations for Working Platforms
Understanding the design considerations for working platforms is crucial to ensuring heavy machinery operates safely and efficiently. This involves careful planning around stability, load capacity, and adaptability to different site conditions. Here are some of the key design considerations for working platforms. Stability for Machinery: Platforms must offer a stable...

Andun Career Spotlight - Rebecca - Summer Internship
Developing civil engineers is an important part of Andun’s business goals and values. Since the company was founded, we have taken students from universities on 12 month placements, summer placements and as graduates. Many of our employees, including members of senior management, started their engineering careers with Andun on a...

Prestressed Concrete Demolition - Pre-Tensioned vs Post-Tensioned Structures
Prestressing is an engineering concept that refers to the application of a load to a structure to counteract loads during its design life. This method is most associated with concrete but steel, cast iron and masonry structures can also be prestressed. Why Prestress a Structure? There are several reasons for...

How Chocking Frames Can Limit Tower Crane Sway and Deflection
A recent project in London utilised internal climbing cranes that used chocking frames to provide horizontal restraint to limit sway and deflection of two internal climbing tower cranes for the construction of a 35 storey structure in Central London. What Is A Chocking Frame? A chocking frame is a structural...

BS6187 - Understanding Load Paths On Demolition Schemes
Understanding the load paths of a structure is an important part of construction and demolition schemes as it allows engineers to understand how a structure works in its current condition. Demolition schemes that do not accurately understand the load paths and how they change as structures are altered, can lead...

How To Eliminate or Reduce Temporary Works
The most effective way to eliminate or reduce temporary works on construction projects is to consider the engineering requirements as early as possible. Investing in early engineering input ensures that teams can identify and mitigate site constraints, engineering challenges and resource considerations during the design process. Allowing the development of...

Tower Crane Foundation Design Types
Each tower crane foundation type comes with its own set of advantages, challenges, and suitability criteria, depending on various factors such as soil conditions, load requirements, adjacent permanent works and specifications of a project. Four common tower crane foundation types we utilise as temporary works design consultants include Gravity Base...

Temporary Works Webinars 2023 Review
As our temporary works webinar series takes a summer break, here is a review of the CPD webinars we have had in 2023. Featuring several different speakers from Andun and a guest speaker from Network Rail, the webinars have spanned a range of diverse temporary works and demolition engineering themes. ...

Temporary Works Design Process For Junior Engineers
A well-structured temporary works design process is crucial for delivering high-quality temporary works design and demolition engineering solutions. We use a structured process throughout the company to define and understand the complexities of the projects to consistently deliver safe and efficient design solutions. Recently, one of our junior engineers outlined...

Andun Teams Reach Finals of Merit Game 2022
As part of our investment in developing the next generation of engineers, Andun has entered a team in the MERIT International Construction Business Game for the last three years. What Is The MERIT Competition? MERIT is a computer-simulated game designed to emulate real-world construction business markets and challenges. MERIT is...

Role Of Geotechnical Site Investigation In Temporary Works
Geotechnical Site Investigation (GSI) plays a crucial role in delivering safe and effective temporary works design schemes. Obtaining accurate and detailed geotechnical information about the ground, allows designers to optimise their designs and minimise the risk of unexpected issues during construction.

Temporary Works Design Brief FAQs
The interest in a recent CPD webinar on the subject we hosted highlighted some of the most common questions and challenges relating to the procedures around the creation and management of Temporary Works Design Briefs. In response, we have included the recording of this webinar and compiled a list of...

Temporary Works Careers Fair - Review & Recording
This month, Andun Engineering Consultants (Andun) hosted a virtual event for civil engineering students interested in a Temporary Works Design career. The event allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the field, connect with experienced professionals, and learn about the real-world application of Temporary Works Design. Presentations from the...

Virtual Temporary Works Design Careers Fair
On the 10th of February Andun Engineering Consultants (Andun) will be hosting a Virtual Temporary Works Design Careers Fair for civil engineering students interested in graduate or summer placement positions. Date : 10th Feb 2023 at 12.30 pm Location: – Zoom Registration link – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/525679530627 We are committed to supporting...

Inspiring & Supporting The Next Generation Of Civil Engineers
Civil engineering is widely reported to be experiencing an endemic skills shortage, that requires a concerted effort to drive interest in careers within the industry. That is why it is important that as civil engineers we support the industry by inspiring and supporting the next generation of engineers. At Andun...

Basement Temporary Works Challenges
Basement Temporary works are incredibly varied. There are a number of different basement temporary works challenges, constraints and engineering factors that need to be considered when designing engineering solutions for these schemes. There is a high level of risk with basement engineering schemes, with the HSE identifying that these projects...

Requirement To Check Temporary Works Vital To Construction Project Safety
The requirement to check temporary works is designed to increase the safety and effectiveness of designs and reduce the risk of temporary works failure. There is a perception that temporary works are subject to a greater scale of checks than permanent works. Based on our experience, here are some of...

BS5975 Temporary Works Design Check Categories
The level of checking required for temporary works designs is clearly defined under BS5975. The checking of temporary works is split into four categories under BS5975 from CAT 0 through to CAT 3. The correct checking category for a temporary works design is defined by the complexity and scope of...

Review Of Blow Down Demolition Methodologies
The demolition methodology involving the use of explosives to cause the deliberate collapse of a structure is typically referred to as a ‘blow down’ An advantage of using a blow down demolition methodology is that effective use can significantly shorten project timelines compared to progressive or top down demolition. A...

York Guildhall Renovation
The completion of the renovation of York Guildhall by Vinci was recently reported by BBC Look North. The York Guildhall was built in the 15th century with the complex containing Grade I, II*, and II listed buildings. The Guildhall has a rich history, having hosted kings and survived World War...

Andun Deliver CPD Training For Institution of Civil Engineers
Andun Engineering Consultants believe that part of our role as temporary works specialists is to increase the awareness of the role of temporary works within the construction industry. To achieve this members of our senior engineering team regularly deliver CPD in-house for contractors and actively seek invitations to share our...

West Midlands Office Visit MGF Offices For CPD Session
The Andun Engineering Consultants West Midlands and East Midlands offices recently visited the MGF offices in Rugeley for some practical CPD training. As a specialist temporary works design and demolition engineering consultancy we work on a wide range of schemes many of which require propping systems. Our independence means we...

Unique Removal & Restoration Of Victorian Footbridge In Alton
The removal and restoration of Alton footbridge in Hampshire was an interesting project that provided a different engineering challenge to typical bridge demolition projects Andun Engineering Consultants (AEC) are involved in. The key difference for this project were that once removed the bridge was to be restored rather than broken...

Timelapse of HS2 Bridge Demolition Makes Headlines
A timelapse of a HS2 demolition project near Birmingham for which Andun provided the Temporary Works design and sequencing has recently been featured in Construction News and New Civil Engineer Heartlands Parkway Bridge Demolition Project The Heartlands Parkway Bridge was a 100-metre road bridge spanning seven existing rail lines to...

Temporary Works Procedures Flowchart Website Launch
Andun Engineering Consultants (AEC) have launched a new website aimed to give construction contractors an overview of the Temporary Works Procedures Flowchart. This replaces the Temporary Works Flowchart which has been distributed free of charge by Andun Engineering Consultants to the construction industry for a number of years as both...

Hazards When Demolishing Post Tensioned Structures
When demolishing post-tensioned structures there are a number of potential hazards to consider due to the construction methodology. A number of which were discussed during our demolition of prestressed structures webinar. Accidental Damage To Tendons When cutting through a concrete structure it is easy to cut through a tendon taking out...

Early Temporary Works Design Input - Impacts & Benefits
Early temporary works design input can have a significant positive impact on the constructability of construction projects. The goal of temporary works design engineers is to improve the constructability of projects. This can be achieved by eliminating or reducing the amount of temporary works and designing programmes that utilise more...

TWC Role - Overview From A Design Perspective
The Temporary Works Coordinator (TWC) role is vital to the successful management and implementation of temporary works on construction and demolition projects. The TWC role is a wide-ranging role with a large number of formal responsibilities which are defined under BS5975:2019 What Is The Role Of A TWC Whilst the...

Construction Trends Driving Use Of Cut and Carve Demolition
Changing construction trends are leading to an increase in the use of cut and carve demolition methodologies Cut and Carve demolition is the methodology used on construction & redevelopment projects where an element of an existing structure is retained as part of the construction. Cut and Carve demolition is combined...

Josh Martin appointed Director of Andun Engineering Consultants
Due to the continued success and growth of our temporary works design and demolition engineering consultancy business, we are pleased to announce that Josh Martin has been appointed as Director of Andun Engineering Consultants. Josh has been at at Andun since 2012 when he joined as a university placement student....

[Video] Temporary Works & Demolition Projects 2020 Review
Last month we ran an additional CPD webinar to our planned schedule to review some of the projects our engineers worked on during 2020. The first session was by our Managing Director, Angus Holdsworth who reviewed the challenges the industry faced in 2020, before going on to look at three...

Temporary Works Weekly CPD Webinar Series Extended
Since the start of the lockdown Andun Engineering Consultants have been running a weekly Temporary Works CPD webinar series. Originally scheduled to run for seven weeks the series covered a number of different temporary works and demolition disciplines. The most common format being a 30 minute look a specific aspect...

Team AEC Reach The Final of MERIT 2020 Competition
A group of four Andun Engineering Consultants (AEC) engineers based across our Chelmsford and Midlands offices have teamed up to reach the final of MERIT 2020. Team AEC have made it to the finals by fending off competition from 70 other teams from around the world, including teams from some...

UK Gas Holder Demoltion Projects
Gas holders are obsolete features of town and city landscapes across the UK. Whilst a few have been saved or repurposed the majority have either been demolished or are scheduled to be demolished. Nearly 200 of these icons of British industry have been earmarked for demolition since 2013. Andun have...

Bridge Demolition Engineering For UK Infrastructure Projects
Andun provide bridge demolition engineering solutions for schemes across the UK. These projects range from simple footbridges to post tensioned viaducts located within a busy city centre. This includes rail, highways and pedestrian structures. Our involvement has been working with the demolition contractor to provide demolition engineering support for the...

Aberdeen Temporary Works & Demolition Engineering Office Launch
As part of continued growth Andun Engineering Consultants have expanded our geographic coverage for Temporary Works Design and Demolition Engineering to by opening an office in Aberdeen. The office will deliver Temporary Works Design & Demolition Engineering consultancy services across Scotland and provide support to the rest of the team...

Northern Office Progress Report
It has now been more than two years since the Northern office opened in Manchester to allow easier access to our growing project portfolio in the region. Six months ago the team moved to new offices in Newcastle Under Lyme. We now have a team of 5 based in the...

Promoting Engineering In A Primary School - National Science Week
As part of National Science Week our MD Angus spent a week at a local primary school encouraging the engineers of the future. The focus of the week was promoting engineering as a career and teaching the children about the properties of materials. Last year was named the year of...

ICE North West Constructability Award 2019 – Andun Part of Winning Project
Last week Andun attended the Institute Civil Engineers North West awards. The awards are designed to recognise excellence and imaginative concepts in civil engineering practice across the region. Andun were part of the project that won the North West Chair’s Constructability Award which is focused on the collaborative approach to temporary works...

Concept Creation and Analysis of Façade Retention Scheme Design Using Seamless Software Integrations
The integration of different conceptual design and analysis software allows engineers to create designs using multiple pieces of software using the same sequenced workflow. Andun integrate the different design and analysis software packages to design, model and analyse the proposed schemes seamlessly. Façade Retention Scheme Design Using Seamless Software Integrations When...

Temporary Works for Demolition at Institute of Civil Engineers Event in Preston
The Institute of Civil Engineers event in Preston on the 6th of March, will be focused on “Temporary Works for Demolition” and will feature short case studies on a number of significant demolition schemes that Andun have delivered temporary works design and demolition sequencing services. Andun have been involved with temporary works...

Temporary Works Principles of Design and Construction Published
The latest edition of Temporary Works Principles of Design and Construction has been released. It covers all sub-specialities of temporary works, drawing on the collective experience of temporary works in practice the book is a source of immediate, practical solutions to common problems. This second edition is a companion for temporary...

Andun RISQS Verified Rail Temporary Works and Demolition Design Supplier
Temporary works design and demolition sequencing are specialist services provided by Andun to the rail industry. Having worked on some of the UK’s largest rail infrastructure projects including Crossrail, LOCROS, Birmingham New Street and the Great Western Main Line (GWML) Electrification works we are a trusted provider to the rail...
Andun Northern Office Launch
Andun are delighted to announce that the opening of a new office in Manchester in order to meet the growing demand for temporary works design and complex demolition services in the north of England To celebrate the opening of the Andun Northern office, a launch event will be held on 30th of...
Temporary Works Design Changes By Technology Over 25 Years
As a family run engineering consultancy, Andun recently started reflecting on the different experiences of the new engineers in our training programmes compared to the different generations currently working within the business. Since Andun was founded 26 years ago, there have been changes in almost every aspect of the civil...
Andun Constructionline Accreditation
Constructionline accreditation is designed to allow civil engineering and construction firms demonstrate that they adhere to administrative, quality and professional standards. Andun provide temporary works design and demolition sequencing for small and large scale infrastructure projects within the UK. Andun have an excellent reputation and established track record within the construction...
Andun Aim To Create Future Civil Engineers With Science Week School Visits
Finding and developing future civil engineers is part of the Andun philosophy. For the third year in a row Engineers from Andun have been working with local primary schools on a week long special project to coincide with science week. The aim of the projects were; 1. Raise the profile of...
Civil Engineering BIM Implementation For Temporary Works
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has many practical uses within a wide range of Civil Engineering disciplines. Civil engineering BIM applications include demolition sequence design and temporary works. 3-D printing and BIM are two technologies that are changing the way Andun approach projects. Andun regularly utilise both of these technologies to...
White Hart Lane Demolition Sequence & Bracing Design
Many of the projects that Andun are involved in receive media coverage due to the size, scale and stature of the projects being undertaken. Recently Andun have been involved in the high profile partial White Hart Lane demolition in north London. This project received national media attention at various stages...
Developing Civil Engineering Careers At Andun
Andun currently employs 15 people and this number is set to grow as the company expands. Our recruitment strategy is focused on bringing in young and ambitious engineers and developing their skills through our tailored development schemes. This is important as there is a skills shortage within the UK civil...
Temporary Works - Removing 240T Concrete From Whitechapel Crossrail Project
Andun were appointed by Kilnbridge Construction Ltd to design temporary works and sequence demolition for multiple stages of the £200m Whitechapel Crossrail project. This blog summarises the different aspects of our involvement and the key challenges that had to be addressed in the design of temporary works and demolition sequence of an...
Educating Children On Careers In Engineering
Finding and nurturing talented civil engineers is a challenge and responsibility for the entire industry and is one that we take seriously at Andun. Director Angus Holdsworth has always had a passion for promoting engineering to younger generations and this passion has seen him volunteer time to go into Primary...
Achieving Growth During Engineering Skills Shortage
Our experience and ability to handle complex demolition works, including the design of temporary works and specialist lifting equipment. This has seen the demand for our services grow in recent years. Achieving this growth is something we are extremely proud of, and it could not have been done without the...