Andun Engineering Consultants provide temporary works tender support to assist construction contractors in defining the scope of temporary works engineering required for projects.
The earlier that temporary works are considered within construction projects the more scope there is to implement efficient and effective engineering solutions.
One of our key engineering philosophies is that where possible schemes should be designed to eliminate the requirement for temporary works or where this is not possible reduce them as much as possible.
Unnecessary temporary works do not add to the scheme and their removal or reduction can make the programme more efficient and cost effective.
Unnecessary temporary works do not add to the scheme and their removal or reduction can make the programme more efficient and cost effective.
Our temporary works tender support consists of Creation of initial concepts We will provide an initial consultation with your project tender team, to build an understanding of the project.
From this point our team can start sketching out initial concepts.
These sketches are then refined into an initial concept drawing that can be distributed internally and to stakeholders.
Evaluation of proposed schemes
Our temporary works specialist engineers can evaluate the efficacy of proposed temporary works engineering solutions for a scheme.
Providing feedback and design suggestions that may improve proposed designs or identifying alternative engineering solutions for the scheme.
These changes can facilitate the reduction in timelines, labour intensity and material costs required for the scheme.
Concept scoping and costing
One of the challenges for the implementation of effective temporary works can be the limitations to accurate scoping and costing of projects when temporary works are not considered at an early stage.
When temporary works are considered relatively late into a project, there are often limitations caused by decisions that did not adequately consider temporary works or the impact they may have on the constructability of the project.
Early engineering design input can help provide more accurate scoping and costing for projects by providing clarity in the design methodology.
Assisting contractor contracts managers to submit tender proposals that accurately reflect the scope of the work and costs involved in delivering the scheme.