Effective design and implementation of piling platforms webinar, this was a joint webinar with guest speaker Craig Andrews from Geosynthetics.
Panelists: Joshua Martin (Andun Engineering Consultants) and Craig Andrews (Geosynthetics)
Date: 22nd April 2022
Duration: 47:52
The aim was to provide insight and case studies with practical demonstrations of the implementation of design theory.
The webinar focused three different types of piling platforms;
- Pure crush/granular
- Geogrid reinforced and chemical
- Chemically Stabilised
Each of the different types of piling platform were reviewed in detail with analysis of the different use cases and the design considerations.
Each solution is demonstrated with a case study that Andun and/or Geosynthetics have worked on that includes the constraints and engineering challenges of each project.
Followed by discussion on how to choose the right solution and the potential causes and impacts of piling platform failure.
Finally there is analysis on piling platform verification using plate bearing tests and a comparison of the design process to similar temporary works designs.
At the end of the webinar there was around 30 minutes of Q & A between Josh, Craig and the audience. This was not recorded and is only available to those that attend the webinars live
You can see our upcoming schedule of webinars by clicking here
Piling Platforms Content Outline
- What are Piling Platforms (0:17)
- Types of Piling Platform (02:30)
- Pure Crush Granular (03:25)
- Geogrid Reinforced (07:11)
- Chemically Stabilised (17:10)
- Choose The Right Solution (24:58)
- Piling Platform Failure (27:39)
- Piling Platform Verification Using Plate Bearing Tests (40:34)
- Similar Designs (46:48)
Case Studies
- Case Study – Granular – HS2 Old Oak Common – (29:40)
- Case Study – Geogrid Reinforced – Wood Wharf Phase 2 (34:28)
- Case Study – Chemically Stabilised – GoodLuck Hope Project (37:15)
Additional Resources
BRBookshop-Working platforms for tracked plant: good practice guide to the design, installation, maintenance and repair of ground-supported working platforms –
Temporary Works Forum – Working Platforms – Design of Granular Working Platforms For Construction Plant – A Guide To Good Practice
ICE Bookshop – Temporary Works: Principles of design and construction,